Tag: trending
Catching Pokemon in Auschwitz?
They’re everywhere! Quite literally. A Pokemon Go player reported that he captured Rattata while visiting the old Nazi concentration camp. According to the user there was a “blue square thing” at Auschwitz, indicating that the area is likely a Pokéstop Pokemon Go has not yet officially launched in Europe. Niantic, the developer of the game…
School principle announces a snow day to the tune of Let it go.
Even though the Blizzard of 2015 might have been a bust in New York, the storm is still dumping upwards of of 5 feet of snow in other areas. Naturally with snowfalls this large and travel bans in effect, it was a given that schools would be closed. The job of announcing these closures usually…
Police officer shakes it off to Taylor Swift while cruising.
… and he can’t stop, won’t stop moving. The Dover Police department posted a dash cam video on Friday of one of their officers getting down to Taylor Swift’s, addictive tune “Shake it off” The officer is just minding his own business when the tune comes on the radio and slowly he manages to build…
A turtle helping his upside-down turtle friend
When a turtle spotted his turtle friend in trouble and not being able to turn over at the Taipei Zoo, he stepped right in to help. After a quick struggle the tortoise managed to turn his friend over and they were off to the local pub for a celebratory pint, leaving us humans with a…
Dad video tapes kids falling on a patch of ice
With the cold weather arriving in Toronto we hope you take this as a funny public service announcement to watch out for frozen water on the ground! Yes you might remember from last winter that cold temperatures make water freeze and frozen water is slippery. With that said we might have also found the most…
That sucks! Person to buy the 1st iPhone 6 in Perth, Australia drops it on live TV.
As you might have heard the iPhone 6 officially hits the stores today. In some cities, people have been lining up for weeks just to be the first ones to get their hands on the new device. So imagine being the first person to buy the new phone in your city and then being asked…
VIDEO: How to scare your mom.
With Halloween fast approaching many of us are trying to come up with brilliant prank ideas to scare our family members and friends. Kassandra Rose Gates, might have just come up with something brilliant! Watch and learn. Post by Flap Jack.
Cat almost scratches gamergirl’s eye out, live on webcam.
21 year, Colorado resident Sara Kate took a little break from playing Black Ops 2 and wanted to nuzzle up to her cat Olive who was just chilling on her chair. Olive however wasn’t feeling being nuzzled at that particular time and went for Sara’s eye. After a moment of minor panic, Sara took herself…
Jack the Ripper mystery may have finally been solved!
A mystery which captivated the world for 126 years may have finally been solved. DNA found on a shawl found near Catherine Eddowes, one of the victims of The Ripper, contains a match to one of the long time suspects in the case, a Polish immigrant Aaron Kosminski. The hairdresser who moved to England in 1881…
Folks are already lining up to get their hands on iPhone 6 when it’s released in a few weeks.
That’s right, you read that right. It seems that some iPhone fans are so eager to be the first ones to get their hands on Apple’s iPhone 6 that they have decided to line up in front of Apple’s 5th Ave store in New York, a week before the phone is even announced. 9to5Mac is…