Family selfie gets photobombed by a ghost?

When Emma Johns took a selfie with her kids at a movie theater she didn’t think much of it, until she got home and looked at the photo closely.


“It was only when we got home and checked the photo that we saw the ghost and I could make out a little girl and a teddy next to her. I didn’t even think that it was possible to have a teddy bear ghost.”

Trying to find an explanation for the strange sighting she showed the photo to other family members.

“My family are normally all quite sceptical, but everyone was a bit shocked when they saw it and I’m quite interested to find out what it could be.

But we’ve had to hide it from the kids in case they are scared so we have just told them that it is an advert for Ghostbusters but my eldest is starting to cotton on now.”

She eventually shared it online to try and shed some light on the matter.

“Because the cinema is right near the sea, I don’t know if it is of a little girl who drowned or something like that, but no one has mentioned any incidents like that just yet.”

So this is where we come in. What do you think? Is it a ghost? Alien? Bigfoot? Dirty lens?